Book a free Love Plan call. We will get to know each other -And Let's make a plan together, how you will get a wonderful love life! Let’s see which of my programs is the best fit for you.

Hi, I’m Anna-Kaisa and I’m really glad you found me!

   What if, instead of endless dead ends, you could get your love life into a situation where you could feel real, lasting love with a man who loves you?

   What if you just needed to talk to a relationship coach in person? A coach who knows how to help you turn your love life into a great one, quickly and permanently - whether you're single, in a relationship or cohabiting or married?

   We all want true love -And you really can have it. I know it.

   Love and relationships don't work the same way they used to. Social media, dating apps and online dating have changed the way dating works and how we communicate in a relationship and how private everything is.

   - Men seem to be more and more confused and less interested in commitment and dating feels like a minefield.

Your friends aren't successful in love, and it's easy to sympathize with them and give up. It's easy to say that there aren't any good men out there, or to falsely imagine that you're "just not meant to be in a happy love relationship."

   - It's easy to look to "experts" who promise strategies and "rules" with men and try to find simple solutions to your complex situation—and it's disappointing when you don't get the results you want.

This is why I became a love and relationship coach - I know I can help you in your own, unique situation. I use a method that WORKS.

 No matter what we read and what videos we watch, our past experiences with love hold us in place... We all have certain "systems" that keep us stuck in our old patterns and old, same old results.

We start a great, hot relationship with a guy, and after a while we're back to square one when he suddenly disappears... Or when a fight or cheating starts in the relationship.

  • We start a great, hot relationship with a guy, and after a while we're back to square one when he suddenly disappears... Or when a fight or cheating starts in the relationship.

Anna-Kaisa Coaching gives you the answers and solutions you are looking for, if:

   …You don't understand why you haven't attracted the love of your life

   …You "hate" dating and expect all men to cheat on you

   …You think you've met Mr. Right - and he turns out to be just another guy who doesn't know what he wants

   …The man you are with has withdrawn and is not giving you his attention and affection. He starts fights, pulls back from sex, spends more time at work and with friends than with you, and says he's "confused" about his feelings for you

   …You're starting to feel insecure about the guy you're dating - even though you started out completely confident while he was still chasing you

   …You think about the guy you're dating so often that you almost feel like you're losing yourself and your confidence

   …You are married and feel trapped with a man who has personal "problems" such as drinking, depression and family strife

   …The logistics of your relationship are difficult – Long trips, children, the “ex” in the picture

   …You worry about the “other women” in the picture – even his female friends

   These are just a few of the problems I can help you with.

You will get results with the method I use very quickly. The results will surprise you -And they will make the man you love see you in a whole new way. Or if you're single, make an unforgettable impression on the men you date.

Everything you've learned in your love life so far will be turned upside down in the best way - The coaching will change everything you've believed about men, love and relationships - And you'll get everything you want!

  Since I am absolutely sure that I can help you, I want to give you the opportunity to have a free introductory coaching session with me. Use the calendar below to book a familiarization time that suits you.

   Love is all around us – and even though we say we would give anything to get love – most of us are constantly and unconsciously pushing love away.

   I will help you remove obstacles from the path of love and stop your unconscious love avoidance. Instead, I'll help you draw love to you in ways you've never even imagined!

I really look forward to talking with you!

with love,


 Book a Free Love Plan Call